John Augustus Nesbitt 
Have Certifcate: No
Birth Date: 1829 
Birthplace: Ponta Delgada, Sao Miguel, AIP, Portugal 
Given Name: John Augustus 
Sex: Male 
Father: George Nesbitt 
Marriage: Harbour Master 
Mother: Elizabeth Hughson (Nesbitt)
Immigration To Australia
Ship Name: -
Captain: - 
Date Departed: - 
Where Departed: -  
Date Arrived: -  
Where Arrived: - 
Age: - 
Travel Type: - 
Travel Info: - 
Marriage 1
Have Certifcate: Yes 
Certificate Number's: 1863 / 003053 - 44 
Marriage Date: 23rd May 1863 
Place Of Marriage: Wee Waa, NSW 
Groom: John Augustus Nesbitt
Conjugal Condition: Bacheler 
Birth Place: (not given on certificate) 
Occupation: General Servant 
Age: (not given on certificate) 
Usual Address: Cooma 
Father: (not given on certificate) 
Occupation: (not given on certificate) 
Mother: (not given on certificate) 
Bride: Elizabeth Church 
Conjugal Condition: Spinstia 
Birth Place: (not given on certificate) 
Occupation: - 
Age: (not given on certificate) 
Usual Address: Cooma 
Father: (not given on certificate) 
Occupation: (not given on certificate) 
Mother: (not given on certificate) 
Witness 1: Charles McMalion 
Witness 2: Sarah Ann Rayfield 
Child 1
Given Names: George A Nesbitt 
Birth Date: 1865 
Place Of Birth: Bourke, NSW 
Mothers Name: Elizabeth Church (Nesbitt) 
Child 2
Given Names: John Edward Nesbitt 
Birth Date: 1867 
Place Of Birth: Maitland, NSW 
Mothers Name: Elizabeth Church (Nesbitt) 
Child 3
Given Names: Elizabeth Ellen Nesbitt 
Birth Date: 1871 
Place Of Birth: Coonabarabran, NSW 
Mothers Name: Elizabeth Church (Nesbitt) 
Child 4
Given Names: Emily M Nesbitt 
Birth Date: 1873 
Place Of Birth: Coonabarabran, NSW 
Mothers Name: Elizabeth Church (Nesbitt) 
Child 5
Given Names: William James Nesbitt 
Birth Date: 1876 
Place Of Birth: Coonabarabran, NSW 
Mothers Name: Elizabeth Church (Nesbitt) 
Have Transcription Of Certificate: Yes 
Certifcate Number's: 1876/5788 
Registration Details: 9th August 1876 at Coonabarabran, NSW, Australia 
Name On Certificate: John Augustus Nesbitt 
Date Of Death: 24th June 1876 
Place Of Death: Merri Merri, District Of Coonabarabran NSW, Australia 
Occupation: Carrier  
Sex: Male 
Age: 44 
Place Of Birth: St Michaels 
Time In Aust Colonies: 20 Years In NSW 
Father: George Nesbitt 
Occupation: Harbour Master  
Mother: Elizabeth Hughson (Nesbitt)
Place Of Marriage: New South Wales 
Age At Marriage: 31 
Name Of Spouse: Elizabeth Church 
Children: 3 Males, 2 Females Living 
Informant: S Bloodsworth, Lesee (SIC) Of Run, Merri Merri  
Cause Of Death: Disease Of The Heart 
Duration Of Last Illness: None 
Medical Attendant: None 
When Last Saw Deceased: None 
Date Of Burial: 26th June 1876  
Where Buried: Merri Merri, NSW, Australia  
Minister & Religion: No Minister 
Undertaker: John Byrnes 
Witness Of Burial 1: W. McKellar  
Witness Of Burial 2: J. Bloodsworth 