John-Lucas Mitchell Bell
Have Certifcate: Yes 
Certificate Number's: 00000/2007 
Register Date and Place: , Registrar 
Birth Date: 5.30 am, 12th August 2007 
Birthplace: John Hunter Hospital, New Lambton Heights, NSW, Australia 
Given Name: John-Lucas Mitchell 
Sex: Male 
Birth Time: 5.30 am 
Length of Labour: 4 Hours 30 Min
Birth Weight: 3.46 kg 
Labour: No problems during labour 
Birth Length: 550 mm 
Birth Head: 350 mm 
Midwife 1: Teresa 
Midwife 2: Terri 
Father: Jean-Paul Michael Bell 
Occupation: Environmental Management 
Age: 37 
Father Birthplace: Sydney, NSW, Australia 
Marriage: 4th December 2004, Woko River, NSW, Australia  
Mother: Allison Louise Nesbitt (Bell) 
Occupation: Massage Therapist 
Age: 28 
Mother Birthplace: Belmont, NSW, Australia 
Informant 1 Name: A. Bell 
Informant 1 Address: 525 Woerdens Road, Clarence Town, 2321, NSW, Australia 
Informant 1 Relation: Mother 
Informant 2 Name: J. Bell 
Informant 2 Address: 525 Woerdens Road, Clarence Town, 2321, NSW, Australia 
Informant 2 Relation: Father 