Elizabeth Mary Purser Padley (Joachimi) (Mitchell) (Watson) 
Have Certifcate: Yes 
Certifcate Numbers: BXBZ 455658, 213, Index Vol 1 P 206, G002104 
Registration Details: 29th July 1843, Newnham Street, St Marylebone 
Informant: Caroline Padley, Mother, 20 Newnham Street 
Birth Date: 27th June 1843 
Birthplace: 20 Newnham Street, Saint Mary, St Marylebone, England 
Given Name: Elizabeth Mary Purser 
Sex: Girl 
Father: Thomas Padley 
Father Occupation: Plasterer 
Mother: Caroline Jeffs (Padley) 
Marriage 1
Have Certifcate: Yes 
Certifcate Number: 1413, 290 
Marriage Date: 27th June 1859 
Place Of Marriage: St Johns Church, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia 
Groom: Gustavus Joachimi 
Marital Status: Bachelor 
Birth Place: Nienburg, Saxony-Anhalt, Germany 
Occupation: Architect 
Age: 33 
Present Address: Collingwood 
Usual Address: Collingwood 
Father: Gotlieb Joachimi 
Father Occupation: Cleegym??? 
Mother: Fredrika Laeedu? 
Bride: Elizabeth Mary Purser Padley 
Marital Status: Spinster 
Birth Place: London 
Occupation: - 
Age: 16 
Present Address: North Melbourne (But "Collingwood" was pened out) 
Usual Address: Collingwood 
Father: Thomas Padley 
Father Occupation: Builder 
Mother: Caroline Jeffs 
Religion: Church Of England 
Minister: Mr Byrnes 
Witness 1: Thomas Padley 
Witness 2: Caroline Padley 
Child 1
Given Names: Gustav Rudolph Thomas Joachimi 
Birth Date: 18th June 1860  
Place Of Birth: Richmond, Victoria, Australia 
Father Name: Carl Gustavus Joachimi 
Child 2
Given Names: Blanche Caroline Joachimi 
Birth Date: 1st July 1862  
Place Of Birth: Melbourne, Victoria, Australia 
Father Name: Carl Gustavus Joachimi 
Child 3
Given Names: Emilie Fredrika Amelia Joachimi 
Birth Date: 13th September 1864 
Place Of Birth: Melbourne, Victoria, Australia 
Father Name: Carl Gustavus Joachimi 
Child 4
Given Names: Elizabeth Helena Joachimi 
Birth Date: 1866 
Place Of Birth: Melbourne, Victoria, Australia 
Father Name: Carl Gustavus Joachimi 
Child 5
Given Names: Alfred Francis Gottlieb Joachimi 
Birth Date: 1869 
Place Of Birth: Melbourne, Victoria, Australia 
Father Name: Carl Gustavus Joachimi 
Child 6
Given Names: Henry Rudolph Joachimi 
Birth Date: 1870 
Place Of Birth: Melbourne, Victoria, Australia 
Father Name: Gustav Joachimi 
Marriage 2
Have Certifcate: No, (Never Legally Married) 
Marriage Date: 27th June 1869,1870,1871 [From Childrens Birth Certificates "year varies"]
Place Of Marriage: Melbourne, Victoria, Australia 
Groom: George Lucas Mitchell 
Age: 24 to 26 
Father: James Mitchell 
Mother: Martha McClenaghan 
Bride: Elizabeth Mary Purser Joachimi (formily Padley) (also used formily Percival) [No Known Divoice From Joachimi]
Age: 26 to 28 
Child 7
Given Names: George Lawrence Mitchell 
Birth Date: 16th October 1872 
Place Of Birth: Wills Street Sandhurst, Victoria, Australia 
Father Name: George Mitchell 
Child 8
Given Names: George William Mitchell-Mansfield 
Birth Date: 3rd November 1873 
Place Of Birth: Hay, NSW, Australia 
Father Name: George Mitchell 
Child 9
Given Names: Clara Alice Mitchell 
Birth Date: 19th January 1876 
Place Of Birth: Tumbarumba, New South Wales, Australia 
Father Name: George Lucas Mitchell 
Child 10
Given Names: Sydney Joseph Mitchell 
Birth Date: 28th April 1878 
Place Of Birth: Mundy Street, Sandhurst, Victoria, Australia 
Father Name: George Lucas Mitchell 
Marriage 3
Have Certifcate: Yes 
Certifcate Number: 2012, 14 
Marriage Date: 2nd February 1888 
Place Of Marriage: At The Office Of The Registrar Of Marriages, South Melbourne, Victoria, Australia 
Groom: Andrew Izett Watson 
Marital Status: Bachelor 
Birth Place: Castlemaine, Victoria 
Occupation: Artist 
Age: 29 
Present Address: 8 Canterbury Road Toorak, Victoria, Australia 
Usual Address: 8 Canterbury Road Toorak, Victoria, Australia 
Father: Robert Chisholm Watson 
Father Occupation: ? 
Mother: Margart Watson (Formerly Izett) 
Bride: Elizabeth Mary Purser Padley 
Marital Status: Widow (June 1878) [No Known Divoice From Joachimi - Joachimi & Mitchell Were Still Both Alive]
Birth Place: London England 
Occupation: Lady 
Age: 34 On Certificate [45 From Birth Date]
Present Address: 54 Clarendon Street, South Melbourne 
Usual Address: Sandhurst 
Father: Thomas Padley 
Father Occupation: Builder 
Mother: Caroline Padley (Formaly Churchill) 
Register Details: Alexander John Evans, Register Of Marriages 
Witness 1: Lawis Campbel 
Witness 2: Edword Watson 
Child 11
Given Names: Donizetta Watson 
Birth Date: Feburary 1885 
Place Of Birth: Omeo, Victoria, Australia 
Father Name: Andrew Izett Watson 
Have Certifcate: Yes - all information from certificate 
Certifcate Number's: 1914/011498, 346 
Registration Details: Andrew ?, 10th August 1914, Merewether 
Date Of Death: 9th August 1914 
Place Of Death: Railway Street, Merewether, NSW, Australia 
Name On Certificate: Marie Elizabeth Watson 
Occupation: Domestic Duties  ["Old-Age Pensiner" - below in different hand writing and signed] 
Sex: Female 
Age: 65 Years [on certificate, but was 71 from birth date & 59 on grave stone] 
Cause Of Death: Chronic Diarrhoea 
Duration Of Last Illness: 6 Months 
Medical Attendant: J. C. Douglas, Registered 
When Last Saw Deceased: 9th August 1914 
Father Name: Unknown Padley 
Father Occupation: Plasterer  
Mother Name: Unknown 
Informant: Norman Lislie Watson 
Informants Relation: Son 
Informants Address: Railway Street Merewether N. S. Wales 
When Buried: 11th August 1914  
Where Buried: Church Of England Cemetery Sandgate  
Undertaker: David LLoyd 
Name And Religion Of Minister: E. K. Wright, Church Of England 
Witness Of Burial 1: Evan L. Lloyd 
Witness Of Burial 2: W. Maynard 
Where Born: London England 
How Long In Australia And States: 55 Years N. S. Wales 
Place And Age Of Marriage: Sydney N. S. Wales, 21 Years 
To Whom: Andrew Watson 
Children: Blanche 34 
                Norman 19 
                Beryl 17 
                Lillah 14 
                1 Male Deceased 