Chris Thoroughgood
Have Birth Certificate: No
Birth Date: 19th May unknown 
Birthplace: Australia 
Given Name: Chris 
Sex: Male 
Father: Paul Thoroughgood 
Age: - 
Marriage: -  
Mother: Halina unknown (Thoroughgood) 
Age: - 
Marriage 1
Have Certifcate: No 
Marriage Date: 20th October 2001 
Place Of Marriage: Newcastle, NSW, Australia  
Groom: Chris Thoroughgood 
Age: - 
Bride: Kellie-Ann Nesbitt (Thoroughgood) 
Birth Place: NSW, Australia 
Age: 25 
Father: Garry James Nesbitt 
Mother: Wendy Lee Morgan (Nesbitt) 
Child 1
Given Names: Charli Rose Thoroughgood 
Birth Date: 31st January 2005 
Place Of Birth: Newcastle, NSW, Australia 
Mother Name: Kellie-Ann Nesbitt (Thoroughgood) 